A three storey building formerly occupied by a supermarket, which has been erected on three adjacent plots. The property is located in Kaimakli in Nicosia and is adjacent to Keryneias Street on its western boundary and to Lapithou Street on its western. It is at a distance of a kilometre south of the roundabout known as ‘BATA’ and just few meters west of the SOPAZ facilities.
The supermarket, on the ground floor, is of total area of 2.115 sqm and consists of a main store with cashier points, a fruit market, a bakery, a meat/fish market and refrigerators. The mezzanine has a total area of 900 sqm and comprises of office rooms, kitchen and toilets.
There is also a basement with a total area of 1.575 sqm which is used as parking place.
It is noted that the building has been erected on the on two of the plots, whereas the third plot is used as a parking.
The property falls within the following two Planning Zones:
Industrial zone Βα1/ΒΕ1 with a maximum building density coefficient of 160% and a land coverage coefficient of 50% over 4 floors.
Special Area zone ΕΠ6 with a maximum building density coefficient of 160% and a land coverage coefficient of 50% over 2 floors.
The local area around the property is highly developed with residential and commercial units such as offices, showrooms, apartments and houses. The asset enjoys good accessibility to the Nicosia city centre and the surrounding areas.